St Thomas Church

What is there for kids?

Children’s Groups

Children, with all the wonderful mayhem and noise that they can bring, are so welcome at St T’s.  Our 1030 gatherings always have children’s groups- a supervised creche, and two groups for older ones.  They’ll do games, have a snack, enjoy some craft, all based around a theme for that week.

The first Sunday of every month is our All In gathering.  It’s a bit shorter, more interactive, and great for everyone!

Get in touch with our Children and Families worker, Hannah, for more information!

What about outside of Sunday mornings?

On Wednesday mornings, from 10:00-11:30, it’s Tom’s Toddlers.  A great time for littlies (2 1/2 year olds and unders) and their grown ups to play, catch up, and spend time together. 

And in the afternoon, from 13:00-14:30 it’s Footprints- our group for children aged 2 1/2 to school age, which meets to enjoy games, crafts, and a story, all centred around the Bible.

Do get in touch with Hannah for more information- her email is 


We also do occasional events on a Sunday afternoon for all the family- Lantern walks, Light parades, and other ones too.  Keep up to date on our Facebook page for children and families at St T’s!



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